Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lil Pup Is Scared Of Clippers

Taken from
I don't know about you, but I feel pretty confident in trimming my little dog's hair on my own.  He is a Maltese / Shih Tzu mix and needs regular grooming, but he has a love hate relationship with clippers.  Some days he is okay and others he is like wrestling a 20-armed monkey.  I'm really lucky that he's not a biter!

My sweet Bailey pup - age 2
I was camping on facebook one day and saw an add in the ads column for a product called Scaredy Cut.   Click to learn about Scaredy Cut   It looked easy enough so I ordered one.  Scaredy Cut is a good pair of scissors with a clipper guard attached with simple instructions.

I have been using it now for a few months and I love it!
 My pup doesn't shy away from it and he doesn't show any fear or hesitation whatsoever when I trim his hair now.  I'm definitely not an expert and he's definitely not a show dog, but he is super cute.

What pet products do you love?

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