Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lil Pup Is Scared Of Clippers

Taken from
I don't know about you, but I feel pretty confident in trimming my little dog's hair on my own.  He is a Maltese / Shih Tzu mix and needs regular grooming, but he has a love hate relationship with clippers.  Some days he is okay and others he is like wrestling a 20-armed monkey.  I'm really lucky that he's not a biter!

My sweet Bailey pup - age 2
I was camping on facebook one day and saw an add in the ads column for a product called Scaredy Cut.   Click to learn about Scaredy Cut   It looked easy enough so I ordered one.  Scaredy Cut is a good pair of scissors with a clipper guard attached with simple instructions.

I have been using it now for a few months and I love it!
 My pup doesn't shy away from it and he doesn't show any fear or hesitation whatsoever when I trim his hair now.  I'm definitely not an expert and he's definitely not a show dog, but he is super cute.

What pet products do you love?

Friday, May 24, 2013

McDonald's Just Schooled Me!

Did you know that the pricing is different between McDonald's restaurants depending on who they are owned by?  This is probably true with other fast food and chain restaurants, but here's what happened.  I also want to add that I expect pricing to be different geographically based on cost of living in that area, but not a mile away.

I went to the McDonalds nearest me and ordered a salad and small fry.  Don't judge.  When I got to window number two to retrieve my food they told me they were out of dressing.  What?  Out of dressing?  How the heck?  Okay, so I just asked for my money back because that's what I wanted.  I had to pull over so they could give me cash back since I paid with my debit card.  Okay, fine, but they took my receipt from me so I couldn't remember how much it was.

I went to another McDonald's restaurant one mile away and ordered exactly the same thing and it was almost a dollar more in price.    How did I know?  Well, I paid almost a dollar more for the same order than they gave me back in cash at the first restaurant.

You following me here?

So I got all huffed up and drove back to the first McDonald's to demand the rest of my change and that is where I learned that because they are owned by different entities the pricing is not the same and she showed me my original receipt.

I was stunned!

So, I backtracked and apologized and thanked them for being so kind given my initial attitude and I came home and ate my food and my pride.

What little things have you learned about pricing among companies branded the same?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fitted Sheet Expert

For years I have wondered why people make comments about trying to fold their bed sheets.  Mom always had a shelf full of sheets and I never understood why.

Granted, I am overly simple and not one for frills or fanfare, but I've got this one figured out.  I have two sets of sheets; one for summer and flannel for winter. 

During the summer I take my sheets off the bed, wash them, and put them back on the bed.  I can only use one set of sheets at a time so why do I need more than one set?

When the seasons change I switch out the set, throw it in the wash and cram the other set back in my closet.  I just like it this way. 

What do you find humorous about the domesticated human?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Nail Polish That Stays! ~ Updated

For years and years my soft nails have had a love hate relationship with nail polish.  I stopped spending money on artificial nails several years ago and would find myself trying to polish nails the day of an event and praying they would last the night.
COVERGIRL outlast Stay Brilliant
155 after 6 days of wear

I've personally found that using the Revlon MultiCare Base & Top Coat as my base coat, then two coats of any nail polish that isn't old, and then using Sally Hansen Insta-Dri as the top coat is wonderful for me!  I also add another top coat every two days and my polish stays on for a week or more very easily.

What are your favorite nail products and why?


This is from my friend, Carole, on May 14.  "We talked about that base coat and how fantastic it is. I just not polished my nails. Well, obviously, because I haven't even cleaned up around the edges yet. This is day-1. We shall see how long this manicure lasts. I used my Orly Bonder Base Coat and 2 coats of Nina Ultra Pro nail polish in "Mariachi." Some chicks collect shoes. I collect nail polish. lol. Anyway, the experiment begins now! :D" 

This is from my friend, Carole, on May 20.  "Okay, here's my evidence that this bonding base coat is the shizz. I used it one week ago, put on two coats of polish, and all I've done since then is add a shiny top coat a couple of times. The only wear that I can see is on the very, very tip ends, and that's probably because I sit here all day banging on my keyboard."

Carole also has two blogs.  Irrational Propensity and House Hugger!  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Using Your Daily Calendar To Track Payments

This is a simple idea that I implemented for myself several years ago, but it is extremely helpful for budgeting and for remembering those larger payments that only happen occasionally like car insurance or property taxes.

You can use the Google calendar, your iCal on your Mac, or any calendar or schedule program that you use every day.  It took maybe 30 minutes for me to go back and look at my bank statement online and enter the payments that I make every month.  Then as I remember or recall other payments I add those to the calendar as well like vehicle property tax each year.  Make sure that you set them to repeat so they appear every week, month or year as they are paid.

It is also helpful if you know how much you need to earn to pay your basic living expenses.   If you earn a lot more than those basic expenses and you find you are poor at the end of the month, then you know you should probably re-evaluate your spending habits.  If you aren't regularly saving money for retirement and emergencies, then you are just asking for trouble later.

What do you do that helps you keep track of important information?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Step 1 Shampoo Step 2 Brush Teeth Step 3 ... Wait ... What?

This is probably going to make you laugh, but I have been doing this for so many years now that I don't   think it is odd any more.  That's what happens when crazy is allowed to continue being crazy.

I brush my teeth in the shower.  Yep, the first step is admitting you have a problem.  Go ahead and get it out of your system, but I think it is the most efficient way to clean everything!  I keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower and I put the shampoo in my hair and then brush my teeth then wash my face, etc.  Like clockwork.

I don't have to clean those toothpaste spots off of my bathroom mirror.  I don't have to clean toothpaste film out of the sink.  I don't have to buy those goofy countertop toothbrush holders.  I also don't have to worry about getting hairspray on my toothbrush that might be sitting in said toothbrush holder.

I do so many goofy things that I don't even know what is considered normal any more, but I thought you might enjoy this one.

What do you do that you find efficient when getting ready every day?

Friday, May 10, 2013

When Your Feet Look Like The Bad Side Of A Worn Tire
Why oh why do women wear sandals and open shoes when their feet look like they had been chewed up by Interstate 40?  I mean, really!

It is so simple to care for your feet in the shower or a hot bath.  I keep a small pumice stone in my shower always.  Once a week I will use it on my heels and soles of my ticklish feet then use Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream on my feet.  It is my favorite.

It is seriously no effort at all to have pretty feet in those sandals.  I will save the painted toenail subject for another day.

What is your favorite foot product?