Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dang I Forgot To Add The Sugar To My Not-So-Sweet Tea!

Fifteen years or so ago I went to a large party with lots of food and drinks and it was a really big deal.  I can't remember what kind of celebration it was now, but what I do remember is that they forgot to add the sugar to their sweet tea before the tea cooled.  When they added the sugar it never melted and just sat at the bottom of the container.

Needless to say no one drank the tea and the hostess admitted she just dumped sugar in right before the party and couldn't understand why it didn't mix well.  So it just sat.  Some of the sugar eventually did break down, but not enough and it just sat.

Here is what you can do if you forget to add the sugar to your tea.  Get your measuring cup and measure out your sugar.  Get another glass measuring cup or a coffee cup and microwave the water for about 2 minutes until it is really hot and just pour the hot water into the sugar and stir it until the sugar breaks down.

You won't want to add too much water because you might dilute your tea since it is already made, but keep heating and stirring the sugar until it is a thick, gooey liquid.  In case you were wondering, this is called simple syrup.

Once it is completely broken down and clear, pour it into your tea to sweeten it.  Stir it really really well.

What have you had to do in a pinch to save a meal or drink?

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