Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Snap A Pizza In the Oven, What?

My cooking skills are less than stellar and it isn't because I don't have the skills.  I don't have the desire or the time to whip up a meal most days. I have been known to say that I live in a frozen food world.  I don't really, but it is still fun to say.

So, you know when those frozen pizzas go on sale and you think to yourself, "How am I going to eat three of those large pizzas by myself?"  For a while I was fixing the whole pizza and then just warming up the rest over the next couple of days, but they don't have the most fantastic taste on day one and then days two and three are kind of meh.  Forget day four, it isn't happening.

Then one day I dropped one in the floor while it was still in the plastic it snapped in half.  What?  Why did I not see this before?  Such a silly, simple thing that made me so happy in that hungry moment.

Now I snap the frozen pizza in half, bake half, eat half either during the course of the day or two days and put the unbaked portion back in the freezer for the next time I need something quick.

It is also less expensive than buying those smaller pizzas or the frozen slices.

Do you do something like this with other foods?


  1. Honey, I don't even open meat packaging and separate it before freezing. You, my dear, are more ambitious than I am.

    1. It's already frozen. Frozen pizza just snaps right in half while still in the plastic packaging. Then open the package, cook half, wrap the rest and put back in the freezer.

  2. I've always been a little freaky about food going bad, so whatever I do with food, letting it "sit out" isn't part of the process. :)

    1. Frozen pizza is already frozen and stays frozen. Nothing sits out. As for the leftovers, they are refrigerated like any sane person would do.
